Origins, Functioning, Overthrowing
Coordinator: Lorenzo Passerini Glazel
Scheduled Research Activities
Coffee room meetings calendar
Past Research Activities
Conferences and Workshops
November 14, 2024. Bookcity. Presentation of the volume published by Giappichelli by Caterina Roggero (ISPI and CISEPS) and Lucia Dalla Pellegrina (CISEPS) on the event organized by CISEPS on June 16, 2022, Quale democrazia per quale pace? ISPI - Palazzo Clerici - Milano
January 26, 2024. Online Conference ‘Ingegerd Olofsdotter and Her Succession: Great History of Sweden and Ukraine’ [Event organized by Oksana Koshulko, Visiting Scholar CISEPS-Unimib] Click here to watch
November 20, 2023. L'empowerment femminile in un mondo che cambia [Event organized by Obiettivo EFFE with the support of CISEPS]
September 20–22, 2022. The True, the Valid and the Normative - San Raffaele School of Philosophy . Download the program here. CISEPS sponsored event [Unit: Institutions (org. Lorenzo Passerini Glazel )]
June 16, 2022. Quale democrazia per quale pace? Ospiti d'onore Quartetto del Dialogo nazionale tunisino Premio Nobel per la pace 2015 - Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Al Quartetto è stato assegnato il Premio Nobel per la pace nel 2015, per il ruolo di agevolatore nella costruzione della pace e nell’avanzamento del processo di transizione alla democrazia nella Tunisia post-Primavera araba.
[Unit: Institutions]
In collaborazione con:
Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti
35th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) [DEMS, Department of Law, and CISEPS]
Tavola Rotonda in Economia della Pace: tra comportamenti individuali e istituzioni sociali e globali
November 27, 2023. "China's Digital Reform: Opportunities and Debates" (Shu Yang, Hunan University), Ciseps Seminar slides
November 22, 2023. Too Fast, Too Furious? Digital Credit Delivery Speed and Repayment Rates (Alfredo Burlando, UniOregon, visiting CISEPS)
November 17, 2017. Giustizia riparativa e verità (Adolfo Ceretti, Roberto Cornelli e Mario Gilli, Unimib)
February 9, 2017. Italian Terrorism, data and networks (Nicola Brugali)
February 26, 2017. Trade Conflicts between Italy and Austria. Hungary before the First World War (Giulio Mellinato, Unimib)
Other events
May 27, 2024. CISEPS-SSE Lecture, Prof. Donato Masciandaro (Università L. Bocconi) "La politica monetaria: Quale sarà la nuova normalità?" slides
Coffee room meetings
Sofia Braschi, "Violenza Domestica e Politica Criminale. Un approccio Evidence Based"
Paolo Tedeschi, "Dreaming Europe: Migrant Flows from Moldova to the EU since the end of the USSR" book chapter
Thursday, February 1: Oksana Koshulko (Visiting CISEPS-Unimib), "Ukrainian War Refugees in the EU and Canada: Self-Identification, Difficulties, and Prospects in Host Countries"
Thursday, February 22: Paolo Tedeschi, "UE, sostenibilità e redditi agricoli: un puzzle complicato"
Thursday, March 21: : Oksana Koshulko (Visiting CISEPS-Unimib), "Situation with Human Capital of the Ukrainian war refugees during Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine of 2022-24"
Thursday, May 16: Caterina Roggero (Unimib and CISEPS), "L'autoritarismo algerino e il ruolo dell'esercito"
Wednesday, January 11: Laura Prosperi (Unimib), "Italian Food: Facts and Myths"
Wednesday, April 5: Sofia Braschi (Unipv), "Rethinking The Criminal Response to Domestic Violence Against Women"
Tuesday, April 18: Volodymyr Vakhitov (American University of Kyiv), "Nudging Civilian Evacuation During War: Evidence from Ukraine"
Wednesday, May 10: Perla Tellez Elias (Roma Tre), "Un primo sguardo sociologico sulle Danzatrici del Ventre in Italia" (click here for the slides)
Thursday, February 17: Lorenzo Passerini Glazel “Sull’approccio semiotico all'indagine dei fenomeni normativi” slides
Thursday, March 31: Simona Sacchi “Researches on Psychology of Morality of Whistleblowing” slides
Thursday, April 28-May 12: Margherita Saraceno “Domestic Violence” slides
Thursday, June 9: Mario Gilli "Conflitti, guerra e (de)costruzione della democrazia" slides
Tuesday, March 23 at 5 pm: Lucia Dalla Pellegrina
Tuesday, April 20 at 5 pm: Simona Sacchi
Tuesday, May 18 at 5 pm: Alberto Pisoni
Tuesday, June 22 at 5 pm: Margherita Saraceno
Tuesday, September 21 at 5 pm: Lorenzo Passerini Glazel (La filosofia dei fenomeni istituzionali e la teoria della norma)
Tuesday, October 26 at 5 pm: Riccarda Longaretti
Tuesday, November 23 at 5 pm: Astrid Gamba
Tuesday, December 14 at 5 pm: Riccarda Longaretti
Other research activities
1. Covid and violence
2. Anti-Covid policies and restriction of individual freedom