Past events
Conferences and Workshops
February 10, 2025: Seminar. Spatial Proximity Patterns of X-Minute Cities: Inequality in Accessibility to Amenities in the Netherlands" (Umut Turk, Department of Economics, Abdullah Gül University, Turkey)
January 30, Sminars. Eoardo Datteri (Unimib-CISEPS, Digital Wellbeing) & Thierry Chaminade (CNRS, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, Marseille), "Investigating interactions with humanoids from a Social Cognitive Neuroscience perspective", University of Milano-Bicocca, Building U7 room 2104 II floor
January 27, 2025: Workshop"Artificial intelligence and financial behaviour" (Event co-organized with ObiettivoEFFE and Deutsche Bank)
December 4, 2024: VII Conference on Behavioral Financial Regulations and Policies (BeFAIRLY): Financial Behavior in the Age of Digital and Crypto Currency (Riccardo Viale, CISEPS-BIB) - Milano Banca d'Italia program
November 14, 2024: Bookcity. Presentation of the volume published by Giappichelli by Caterina Roggero (ISPI and CISEPS) and Lucia Dalla Pellegrina (CISEPS) on the event organized by CISEPS on June 16, 2022, Quale democrazia per quale pace? ISPI - Palazzo Clerici - Milano
October 23, 2024: workshop Donne per la pace (Runipace - Event co-organized with CISEPS)
October 23, 2024: workshop Donne e assicurazioni: (ObiettivoEFFE - Event co-organized with CISEPS) Photos
June 10-15, 2024 Financial and entrepreneurship education Summer Camp Photos
[Event organized by Obiettivo EFFE with the support of CISEPS]
June 19-22, 2024 International Conference "Beeronomics" [co-organized by CISEPS]
Click here for more information
April 12, 2024 THIRD CISEPS ANNUAL WORKSHOP 'The World as One: The Unavoidable Interdependencies of Globalization'
Final Program Photos [Unit Anthropocene]
January 26, 2024
Online Conference ‘Ingegerd Olofsdotter and Her Succession: Great History of Sweden and Ukraine’ [Event organized by Oksana Koshulko, Visiting Scholar CISEPS-Unimib] Click here to watch
May 27, 2024. CISEPS-SSE Lecture, Prof. Donato Masciandaro (Università L. Bocconi) "La politica monetaria: Quale sarà la nuova normalità?" slides
November 20, 2023 L'empowerment femminile in un mondo che cambia [Event organized by Obiettivo EFFE with the support of CISEPS]
May 18, 2023 Presentation of the book "Nudging" (MIT Press) by Riccardo Viale [Unit BIB]
Tackling Inequality: Challenges, Research, and Policies Program [Unit: Inequality]
April 4, 2023 Workshop on Reasoning and Decision Making University of Milano-Bicocca [Unit: BIB]
November 27, 2023. China's Digital Reform: Opportunities and Debates (Shu Yang, Hunan University), Ciseps Seminar [Units: Institutions, Digital Wellbeing] slides
November 22, 2023. Too Fast, Too Furious? Digital Credit Delivery Speed and Repayment Rates (Alfredo Burlando, UniOregon, visiting CISEPS) [Unit: Institutions]
June 28, 2023 Cass Sunstein (Harvard University): Nudges: past, present, future [Unit BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib]
May 30, 2023 Cristina Bicchieri (University of Pennsylvania): From Is to Ought and back: Variability and asymmetry in social inferences from norm information [Unit BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib] recording
May 18, 2023 Matteo Galizzi (LSE): Risk and social preferences predict risky sexual behaviour amongst youth in a HIV epidemic setting [Unit BIB]
May 9, 2023 David G. Rand (MIT): "How Polarization Can Help Fight Misinformation" [Unit: BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib] recording
April 18, 2023. "Nudging Civilian Evacuation During War: Evidence from Ukraine" (Volodymyr Vakhitov, American University of Kyiv) [Unit: Institutions]
April 11, 2023 Nick Chater (Warwick Business School): "The social contract in miniature. Virtual bargaining and the theory of joint action, meaning and fairness" [Unit: BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib] recording
March 31, 2023 Baptiste Jacquet: "Changing behavior with chatbots: from improving mental health to tackling climate change" [Unit: BIB]
March 7, 2023 - Wändi Bruine de Bruin (University of Southern California): "Insights from psychology for climate change communications" [Unit: BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib] recording
February 28, 2023 - Luca Polonio (DEMS Unimib) Title "Persistence of strategic sophistication and transfer of learning across games" ReLunch-CISEPS Seminar [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
February 21, 2023 - Stergios Athanasoglou (DEMS Unimib) Title "Strategy-proof preference aggregation and the anonymity-neutrality tradeoff" ReLunch-CISEPS Seminar [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
January 11, 2023 - Ennio Bilancini (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ) Title "The co-evolution of cooperation and cognition under endogenous population structure" DEMS-CISEPS Seminar [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
Saras Sarasvathy (Virginia University): “Effectuation and start-up generation” [Unit: BIB]
June 16, 2022 Quale democrazia per quale pace? Ospiti d'onore Quartetto del Dialogo nazionale tunisino Premio Nobel per la pace 2015 - Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Al Quartetto è stato assegnato il Premio Nobel per la pace nel 2015, per il ruolo di agevolatore nella costruzione della pace e nell’avanzamento del processo di transizione alla democrazia nella Tunisia post-Primavera araba.
[Unit: Institutions]
In collaborazione con:
Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti
May 19, 2022 Workshop on Bounded Rationality - Lecture ARIEL RUBINSTEIN (Tel Aviv University and NYU) - University of Milano-Bicocca - program [Unit: BIB]
Ariel Rubinstein slides and lecture
Riccardo Viale slides
Mario Gilli slides
April 26, 2022 FIRST CISEPS ANNUAL WORKSHOP - University of Milano-Bicocca - Download program here [Units: BIB - Behavior and Rationality]
Lunn slides
Campos-Mecade paper
Capraro slides
March 30, 2022 Workshop: presentation of the results of the Project “I Comportamenti di Cittadinanza Organizzativa: modelli e incentivi per incrementare il benessere nelle P.A.” Presidency of the Council of Ministers (SNA) and University of Milan-Bicocca [Unit: BIB]
January 17, 2022 Maintaining public order during the Covid emergency: a challenge for democracy. On the occasion of the publication of the ICTJ Accountability in Policing COVID-19 report. Lessons from the Field (Maria Camila Moreno, Vittorio Rizzi, Anna Myriam Roccatello, Mohamed Suma, Roberto Cornelli). [Partnership RUnipace]
December 20, 2022 - Marco Mantovani (Unimib and CISEPS) The good, the bad, and the well-behaved ReLunch Seminar (jointly organized with DEMS) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
December 20, 2022 - Pietro Battiston (University of Pisa) Who Wants their Peer to Be a Millionnaire? ReLunch Seminar (jointly organized with DEMS) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
November 16, 2022 - Giovanni d'Adda (University of Milan) - Daily Temperature and Purchese of Energy-using Durables DEMS-CISEPS Seminar (jointly organized with DEMS) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
December 15, 2022 - User Privacy and the Digital Society: Cynicism in the Face of Emerging Technologies (Christoph Lutz, BI Norwegian Business School) [Unit: Digital Wellbeing, Jointly organized with ASEP Phd Program]
December 12, 2022 - Introduction to Morality-As-Cooperation theory (Oliver S. Curry, Oxford University) [Unit: BIB]
November 23, 2022 - The effects of social context on cognition: Postcards from Brazil (Antonio Roazzi, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brasil ) [Unit: BIB]
October 25, 2022 - Verbalization of the DEMOCRACY concept in modern English political discourse: Cognitive rhetorical aspect (Vira Lykina, Kyiv National Linguistic University, CISEPS Visiting Program) [Unit: BIB]
May 26, 2022 - Misperceptions, preferences and polarization (Maria Marino, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) [Unit: Inequality - CISEPS-CEfES Inequality Seminar]
May 12, 2022 - Inequality in Europe: Reality, Perceptions, and Hopes (Kateryna Tkach, DEMS & GSSI) [Unit: Inequality - CISEPS-CEfES Inequality Seminar]
May 10, 2022 - Unpacking the learning process in interactive situations (Sibilla Di Guida, Syddansk Universitet) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - ReLunch-CISEPS Seminar]
April 11, 2022 - Underestimation and Exaggerations: a rounup from the world of Media Effects research (JAMES SHANAHAN, Indiana University), [Jointly organized with ASEP Phd Program] Promoters: Marco Gui and Ilenya Camozzi [Unit: Digital Wellbeing] click here to watch the seminar
April 27, 2022 - Strategy Assortativity and the Evolution of Parochialism (Leonardo Boncinelli, University of Florence) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - DEMS-CISEPS Seminar ]
April 7, 2022 - Pension Reforms, longer working horizons and absence from work (Maria De Paola, University of Calabria) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - DEMS-CISEPS Seminar ]
March 1, 2022 - Taboo trade-offs and moral preferences in the time of Covid-19 (Marco Mantovani, DEMS-Unimib) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - RElunch-CISEPS Seminar]
Workshop: NATO, Roma, November 16-17, 2021 [Unit: BIB]
Potenza del linguaggio d'odio e potenza dei Social Network: Scontro o Incontro tra Titani? (Federico Faloppa, Università di Reading; Chiara Volpato, Unimib; Elisabetta Biffi, Unimib; Palmina Tanzarella, Unimib) [Partnership RUnipace]
Social Recognition: Experimental Evidence from Blood Donors (Egon Tripodi, University of Essex) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - ReLunch-CISEPS Seminar]
Presentazione del libro "Tutte le colpe dei petrolieri. Come le grandi compagnie ci hanno portato sull'orlo del collasso climatico", di M. Grasso e S. Vergine. Speaker: Marco Grasso, CISEPS [Unit: Anthropocene]
Seminario Francesco Farina Lo Stato Sociale. Storia, politica, economia. Speaker: Francesco Farina (Luiss), discussants: Roberto Tamborini (UniTrento), Patrizio Tirelli (UniPv) [Unit: Inequality]
New Economic and Statistical perspectives on Urban and Territorial Themes (NESPUTT 2019) [Unit: Inequality, Social Mobility & Local Public Goods]
The End of the American Dream: Segregation and Inequalities in US cities (Alessandra Fogli, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis) [Unit: Inequality, Social Mobility & Local Public Goods]
Better, Healthier and Wiser: How to nudge college students into better selves (Jing Qian, Tsinghua University) [Unit: BIB]
Dal Benessere al Benessere Digitale: una prospettiva interdisciplinare (Marco Fasoli, Univeristà Milano-Bicocca) [Unit: BIB]
35th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) [DEMS, Department of Law and CISEPS - Unit: Institutions]
Beyond Nudge: Behavioral Sciences for the Freedom and the Wellbeing of the Citizens [Unit: BIB]
Tavola Rotonda in Economia della Pace: tra comportamenti individuali e istituzioni sociali e globali [Unit: Institutions]
Smartphone e Qualità della vita [Unit: Digital Wellbeing]
Identifying Voter Preferences in the presence of Trade-Offs (Daniel Izzo, Newcastle Univesity) [Unit: Institutions]
Tra Legalità e Lealtà: il Whistleblowing (Alessandro Santoro, Univeristà Milano-Bicocca; Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, Univeristà di Perugia) [Unit: Institutions]
Permanent Itinerant Game Theory Seminars (PIGS-2018), jointly organized with Politecnico di Milano [Unit: Beahvior and Rationality]
Colletti Sporchi: Professionisti, Esperti e Attività Economiche delle Mafie [Partnership Libera]
Giustizia riparativa e verità (Adolfo Ceretti, Roberto Cornelli e Mario Gilli, Unimib 11/5/2017) [Unit: Institutions]
Italian Terrorism, data and networks (Nicola Brugali) (9/2/2017) [Unit: Institutions]
Trade Conflicts between Italy and Austria. Hungary before the First World War (Giulio Mellinato, Unimib) [Unit: Institutions] (26/2/2017)
Permanent Itinerant Game Theory Seminars (PIGS-2017), jointly organized with Politecnico di Milano [Unit: Beahvior and Rationality]
Other events organized by CISEPS fellows
January 13, 2025: HOW TO EXPLAIN HUMAN ACTION? Workshop on Questions from Riccardo Viale’s Work (CISEPS-BIB) - New York Italian Cultural Institute, 686 Park Avenue - Program
February 14 - The IIC-NY hosted former Director Prof. Riccardo Viale presenting his latest book:
Nudging - Human Behavior and Embodied Cognition to Promote Individual and Public Wellbeing
May 27, 2021 - Startups in the Digital Economy [Unit: Digital Wellbeing, jointly organized with SCS Consulting]
May 25-28, 2021 - 13th World Congress of the Regional Science Association International; special session on “Discontent, Hate & Intolerant Attitudes” (jointly organized by CISEPS fellows). [Unit: Inequality, Social Mobility & Local Public Goods]
Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship (PEDD) 2021 Annual Workshop [Partnership PEDD]
July 1, 2021 - La reinvenzione della vita quotidiana in lockdown [Unit: Digital Wellbeing, jointly organized with AIS Vita Quotidiana]
August 24-27, 2021 - 2021 ERSA 60th Congress, special session on “The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on University Students: Educational Outcomes & Spatial Mobility to Attend Higher Education” (joined/organized by CISEPS fellows). [Unit: Inequality, Social Mobility & Local Public Goods]