Past events
Conferences and Workshops
June 10-15, 2024 Financial and entrepreneurship education Summer Camp Photos
[Event organized by Obiettivo EFFE with the support of CISEPS]
June 19-22, 2024 International Conference "Beeronomics" [co-organized by CISEPS]
Click here for more information
April 12, 2024 THIRD CISEPS ANNUAL WORKSHOP 'The World as One: The Unavoidable Interdependencies of Globalization'
Final Program Photos [Unit Anthropocene]
January 26, 2024
Online Conference ‘Ingegerd Olofsdotter and Her Succession: Great History of Sweden and Ukraine’ [Event organized by Oksana Koshulko, Visiting Scholar CISEPS-Unimib] Click here to watch
November 20, 2023 L'empowerment femminile in un mondo che cambia [Event organized by Obiettivo EFFE with the support of CISEPS]
May 18, 2023 Presentation of the book "Nudging" (MIT Press) by Riccardo Viale [Unit BIB]
Tackling Inequality: Challenges, Research, and Policies Program [Unit: Inequality]
April 4, 2023 Workshop on Reasoning and Decision Making University of Milano-Bicocca [Unit: BIB]
Saras Sarasvathy (Virginia University): “Effectuation and start-up generation” [Unit: BIB]
June 16, 2022 Quale democrazia per quale pace? Ospiti d'onore Quartetto del Dialogo nazionale tunisino Premio Nobel per la pace 2015 - Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Al Quartetto è stato assegnato il Premio Nobel per la pace nel 2015, per il ruolo di agevolatore nella costruzione della pace e nell’avanzamento del processo di transizione alla democrazia nella Tunisia post-Primavera araba.
[Unit: Institutions]
In collaborazione con:
Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti
May 19, 2022 Workshop on Bounded Rationality - Lecture ARIEL RUBINSTEIN (Tel Aviv University and NYU) - University of Milano-Bicocca - program [Unit: BIB]
Ariel Rubinstein slides and lecture
Riccardo Viale slides
Mario Gilli slides
April 26, 2022 FIRST CISEPS ANNUAL WORKSHOP - University of Milano-Bicocca - Download program here [Units: BIB - Behavior and Rationality]
Lunn slides
Campos-Mecade paper
Capraro slides
March 30, 2022 Workshop: presentation of the results of the Project “I Comportamenti di Cittadinanza Organizzativa: modelli e incentivi per incrementare il benessere nelle P.A.” Presidency of the Council of Ministers (SNA) and University of Milan-Bicocca [Unit: BIB]
January 17, 2022 Maintaining public order during the Covid emergency: a challenge for democracy. On the occasion of the publication of the ICTJ Accountability in Policing COVID-19 report. Lessons from the Field (Maria Camila Moreno, Vittorio Rizzi, Anna Myriam Roccatello, Mohamed Suma, Roberto Cornelli). [Partnership RUnipace]
Workshop: NATO, Roma, November 16-17, 2021 [Unit: BIB]
Potenza del linguaggio d'odio e potenza dei Social Network: Scontro o Incontro tra Titani? (Federico Faloppa, Università di Reading; Chiara Volpato, Unimib; Elisabetta Biffi, Unimib; Palmina Tanzarella, Unimib) [Partnership RUnipace]
New Economic and Statistical perspectives on Urban and Territorial Themes (NESPUTT 2019) [Unit: Inequality, Social Mobility & Local Public Goods]
35th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) [DEMS, Department of Law and CISEPS - Unit: Institutions]
Beyond Nudge: Behavioral Sciences for the Freedom and the Wellbeing of the Citizens [Unit: BIB]
Tavola Rotonda in Economia della Pace: tra comportamenti individuali e istituzioni sociali e globali [Unit: Institutions]
Smartphone e Qualità della vita [Unit: Digital Wellbeing]
May 27, 2024. CISEPS-SSE Lecture, Prof. Donato Masciandaro (Università L. Bocconi) "La politica monetaria: Quale sarà la nuova normalità?" slides
November 27, 2023. "China's Digital Reform: Opportunities and Debates" (Shu Yang, Hunan University), Ciseps Seminar [Units: Institutions, Digital Wellbeing] slides
November 22, 2023. Too Fast, Too Furious? Digital Credit Delivery Speed and Repayment Rates (Alfredo Burlando, UniOregon, visiting CISEPS) [Unit: Institutions]
June 28, 2023 Cass Sunstein (Harvard University): Nudges: past, present, future [Unit BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib]
May 30, 2023 Cristina Bicchieri (University of Pennsylvania): From Is to Ought and back: Variability and asymmetry in social inferences from norm information [Unit BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib] recording
May 18, 2023 Matteo Galizzi (LSE): Risk and social preferences predict risky sexual behaviour amongst youth in a HIV epidemic setting [Unit BIB]
May 9, 2023 David G. Rand (MIT): "How Polarization Can Help Fight Misinformation" [Unit: BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib] recording
April 18, 2023. "Nudging Civilian Evacuation During War: Evidence from Ukraine" (Volodymyr Vakhitov, American University of Kyiv) [Unit: Institutions]
April 11, 2023 Nick Chater (Warwick Business School): "The social contract in miniature. Virtual bargaining and the theory of joint action, meaning and fairness" [Unit: BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib] recording
March 31, 2023 Baptiste Jacquet: "Changing behavior with chatbots: from improving mental health to tackling climate change" [Unit: BIB]
March 7, 2023 - Wändi Bruine de Bruin (University of Southern California): "Insights from psychology for climate change communications" [Unit: BIB, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics-Unimib, Department of Psychology-Unimib] recording
February 28, 2023 - Luca Polonio (DEMS Unimib) Title "Persistence of strategic sophistication and transfer of learning across games" ReLunch-CISEPS Seminar [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
February 21, 2023 - Stergios Athanasoglou (DEMS Unimib) Title "Strategy-proof preference aggregation and the anonymity-neutrality tradeoff" ReLunch-CISEPS Seminar [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
January 11, 2023 - Ennio Bilancini (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ) Title "The co-evolution of cooperation and cognition under endogenous population structure" DEMS-CISEPS Seminar [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
December 20, 2022 - Marco Mantovani (Unimib and CISEPS) The good, the bad, and the well-behaved ReLunch Seminar (jointly organized with DEMS) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
December 20, 2022 - Pietro Battiston (University of Pisa) Who Wants their Peer to Be a Millionnaire? ReLunch Seminar (jointly organized with DEMS) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
November 16, 2022 - Giovanni d'Adda (University of Milan) - Daily Temperature and Purchese of Energy-using Durables DEMS-CISEPS Seminar (jointly organized with DEMS) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality]
December 15, 2022 - User Privacy and the Digital Society: Cynicism in the Face of Emerging Technologies (Christoph Lutz, BI Norwegian Business School) [Unit: Digital Wellbeing, Jointly organized with ASEP Phd Program]
December 12, 2022 - Introduction to Morality-As-Cooperation theory (Oliver S. Curry, Oxford University) [Unit: BIB]
November 23, 2022 - The effects of social context on cognition: Postcards from Brazil (Antonio Roazzi, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brasil ) [Unit: BIB]
October 25, 2022 - Verbalization of the DEMOCRACY concept in modern English political discourse: Cognitive rhetorical aspect (Vira Lykina, Kyiv National Linguistic University, CISEPS Visiting Program) [Unit: BIB]
May 26, 2022 - Misperceptions, preferences and polarization (Maria Marino, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) [Unit: Inequality - CISEPS-CEfES Inequality Seminar]
May 12, 2022 - Inequality in Europe: Reality, Perceptions, and Hopes (Kateryna Tkach, DEMS & GSSI) [Unit: Inequality - CISEPS-CEfES Inequality Seminar]
May 10, 2022 - Unpacking the learning process in interactive situations (Sibilla Di Guida, Syddansk Universitet) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - ReLunch-CISEPS Seminar]
April 11, 2022 - Underestimation and Exaggerations: a rounup from the world of Media Effects research (JAMES SHANAHAN, Indiana University), [Jointly organized with ASEP Phd Program] Promoters: Marco Gui and Ilenya Camozzi [Unit: Digital Wellbeing] click here to watch the seminar
April 27, 2022 - Strategy Assortativity and the Evolution of Parochialism (Leonardo Boncinelli, University of Florence) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - DEMS-CISEPS Seminar ]
April 7, 2022 - Pension Reforms, longer working horizons and absence from work (Maria De Paola, University of Calabria) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - DEMS-CISEPS Seminar ]
March 1, 2022 - Taboo trade-offs and moral preferences in the time of Covid-19 (Marco Mantovani, DEMS-Unimib) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - RElunch-CISEPS Seminar]
Social Recognition: Experimental Evidence from Blood Donors (Egon Tripodi, University of Essex) [Unit: Behavior and Rationality - ReLunch-CISEPS Seminar]
Presentazione del libro "Tutte le colpe dei petrolieri. Come le grandi compagnie ci hanno portato sull'orlo del collasso climatico", di M. Grasso e S. Vergine. Speaker: Marco Grasso, CISEPS [Unit: Anthropocene]
Seminario Francesco Farina Lo Stato Sociale. Storia, politica, economia. Speaker: Francesco Farina (Luiss), discussants: Roberto Tamborini (UniTrento), Patrizio Tirelli (UniPv) [Unit: Inequality]
The End of the American Dream: Segregation and Inequalities in US cities (Alessandra Fogli, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis) [Unit: Inequality, Social Mobility & Local Public Goods]
Better, Healthier and Wiser: How to nudge college students into better selves (Jing Qian, Tsinghua University) [Unit: BIB]
Dal Benessere al Benessere Digitale: una prospettiva interdisciplinare (Marco Fasoli, Univeristà Milano-Bicocca) [Unit: BIB]
Identifying Voter Preferences in the presence of Trade-Offs (Daniel Izzo, Newcastle Univesity) [Unit: Institutions]
Tra Legalità e Lealtà: il Whistleblowing (Alessandro Santoro, Univeristà Milano-Bicocca; Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, Univeristà di Perugia) [Unit: Institutions]
Permanent Itinerant Game Theory Seminars (PIGS-2018), jointly organized with Politecnico di Milano [Unit: Beahvior and Rationality]
Giustizia riparativa e verità (Adolfo Ceretti, Roberto Cornelli e Mario Gilli, Unimib 11/5/2017) [Unit: Institutions]
Italian Terrorism, data and networks (Nicola Brugali) (9/2/2017) [Unit: Institutions]
Trade Conflicts between Italy and Austria. Hungary before the First World War (Giulio Mellinato, Unimib) [Unit: Institutions] (26/2/2017)
Permanent Itinerant Game Theory Seminars (PIGS-2017), jointly organized with Politecnico di Milano [Unit: Beahvior and Rationality]
Other events organized by CISEPS fellows
February 14 - The IIC-NY hosted former Director Prof. Riccardo Viale presenting his latest book:
Nudging - Human Behavior and Embodied Cognition to Promote Individual and Public Wellbeing
May 27, 2021 - Startups in the Digital Economy [Unit: Digital Wellbeing, jointly organized with SCS Consulting]
May 25-28, 2021 - 13th World Congress of the Regional Science Association International; special session on “Discontent, Hate & Intolerant Attitudes” (jointly organized by CISEPS fellows). [Unit: Inequality, Social Mobility & Local Public Goods]
Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship (PEDD) 2021 Annual Workshop [Partnership PEDD]
July 1, 2021 - La reinvenzione della vita quotidiana in lockdown [Unit: Digital Wellbeing, jointly organized with AIS Vita Quotidiana]
August 24-27, 2021 - 2021 ERSA 60th Congress, special session on “The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on University Students: Educational Outcomes & Spatial Mobility to Attend Higher Education” (joined/organized by CISEPS fellows). [Unit: Inequality, Social Mobility & Local Public Goods]