Internship Programs

CISEPS offers students enrolled at the University of Milan-Bicocca, at any level of study, the opportunity to carry out curricular internships (with and without university credits) at the Center.

The internship is an opportunity that allows students to undertake learning experiences that often cannot be taught in their study program. In particular, the goal of the internship at a research center is to start gaining work experience, having the opportunity to learn how academic research develops. Trainees may take advantage of the resources made available by the center (e.g. labs), as well as the support offered by scholars involved in a highly interdisciplinary field. Trainees can join the events organized by the Center, like seminars and conferences, and may also be involved in event organization activities.

Trainees are supervised by a CISPES tutor and an academic tutor (usually the thesis supervisor or a professor of the department to which the student belongs). Internships last from 1 to 6 months, compatibly with the requirements of each course of study.

Students can check the internship opportunities offered by the Center on the Unimib Internship Office website ( Alternatively, students enrolled at Unimib can log on to their personal page (, applying from the Internships opportunities section (Tirocini e stage/OpportunitĂ ).

Students wishing to propose a project in line with the research objectives of the Center can submit their application via email at, including their CV, an updated transcript of records, and an informal motivation letter or a short summary of the activity you would like to develop at the center.

The possibility of an internship at CISEPS is also open to students outside the University of Milan-Bicocca, of any level of study, as long as they are enrolled in a course of study at an Italian or foreign university. CISEPS welcomes applications under the Erasmus+ Traineeship Program, from two to six months. The incoming student benefiting from the internship will have the opportunity to acquire specific skills in an interdisciplinary environment, and a better understanding of the socio-economic culture of Italy.

Students who join an internship program at the Center by collecting data will be asked to contribute to the creation of a Database Hub. The collection of textual information is also admitted.

Companies wishing to propose internship projects involving Unimib students in collaboration and under the joint supervision of researchers affiliated with the Center can write to