Forthcoming events
October 23, 2024: workshop “Donne per la pace” (Runipace - Event co-organized with CISEPS)
October 23, 2024: workshop “Donne e assicurazioni": (ObiettivoEFFE - Event co-organized with CISEPS)
January 27, 2025: presentation of the book by Riccardo Viale (CISEPS) et al. on IA (Event co-organized with ObiettivoEFFE and Deutsche Bank)
March 7, 2025: Workshop financial violence 2025: (ObiettivoEFFE - Event co-organized with CISEPS)
June 9-13, 2025 Summer school Financial Literacy: (ObiettivoEFFE - Event co-organized with CISEPS)
Coffee room meetings (Unit Institutions) calendar